The book traces the origin and growth of urban places and attempts to analyze the process of urbanization. The phenomena of cities, their systems in the country and their functions in the economy have been significant in the development and environment. Urban reality has its effects distributed locally, regionally and internationally thereby knitting the space (area) in an order or system. The system of urban places is deep-rooted historically, and the process differs both spatially and temporally. The book is, therefore, remarkably set scientifically to bring into light the urban ecology and its reaproachment for seeking human well-being both in cases of small towns and metropolises.
The book, first tries to analyse the concepts and principles of urban geography and then moves on to discuss at length the urban structure, functions and linkages. And finally it examines urban planning, problems of water, housing, transportation and so on.
The book will serve the needs of scholars at all levels of the educational ladder, and it will be of much use to prepare for competitive examinations. The general readers may also find the contents of the book interesting and relevant for grasping the complexities of the urban world.