“Stress in Education: Indian Experience” makes a unique contribution to the psychological and educational literature. It recognizes that the tensions between the global and the local, universal and individual, tradition and modernity, long-term and short-term considerations, need for competition and the concern for equality of opportunity, the extraordinary expansion of knowledge and the limited capacity of human beings to assimilate, and the spiritual and the material characterize the educational systems in all regions of the globe, inclusive of India, and also affect the teaching-learning communities. The researches included cover students and teachers from primary to higher education in a variety of educational settings and in different locales, as they reflect these tensions in their cognitions, attitudes and behaviours, in their effort to comprehend the globalization pressures and construct the institutional realities to find a place of choice.
It is hoped that the book would be seen by planners, policy makers, researchers, practitioners, counsellors and teachers alike as highly useful.