In the process of development women play a significant role. However, development has bypassed women who not only constitute half of population of the nations, but also make a significant contribution to the development of their economy. But, unfortunately, their contribution is not only questioned but is not considered valuable too.
This book presents a kaleidoscopic view of the status of women in the contemporary world. As a consequence of the new changing scenario, especially with respect to women’s rights and gender equality, there is a need to provide more opportunities to work in a gender-friendly environment leading to progress and prosperity of a nation. The objective is to enhance and share knowledge about the gender aspects in the era of globalization and promote mechanism that strengthens the positive aspects of gender and social welfare. The book serves the purpose of a reference book in the field of development studies in general and women studies in particular.
1 Women Empowerment in the Globalized World Today / I.D. Gupta
2 Muslim Women in India: Educational, Health and Economic Status / Mohd. Muzammil
3 Sexual Harassment at Workplace / Vibha Chaturvedi
4 Female Foeticide and Sex Selection / Vibhuti Patel
5 Gender Mainstreaming in Urban Administration / A.K. Singh
6 Conceptualization and Manifestation of Women Empowerment / Shyam Kartik Mishra
7 Women Employment: A Comparative Analysis of Scheduled Castes and Other Social Groups in Uttar Pradesh / Rajendra P. Mamgain
8 Social Demography: Gender Perspectives and Prospectives / P.S. Tripathi and Mukulika Hitkari
9 Mental Health of Women / Manju Agrawal, Meeta Malhotra and Anupama Srivastava
10 Daughter Dispreference: Experiences from Rural Community in Uttar Pradesh / Roli Misra
11 Image and Reality: Portrayal of Tribal Women in Media / Gomati Bodra
12 Changing Face of Women Entrepreneurship in the Globalized Indian Economy / Mir M. Amin and Farooque Ajaz Shah
13 Sex Education in India: Expectations and Experiences of Young Women / Niharika Tripathi and T.V. Sekher
14 Indian Women and Domestic Violence: Victories and Struggles in the Movement for Law and Justice / Tulika Saxena
15 Baring Bodies: Resistance through Resignification / Parvin Sultana