This book is first of the four-volume series of the Festschrift in honour of one of the most eminent stalwarts of sociology in India, Professor Yogendra Singh. The present volume outlines not only his academic journey and the worldview of his ideas on the relevance of Western scholars but also the major concerns and challenges before the sociologists in India, then as well as now, more so in the context of globalization. Several contributors to this volume have extensively and critically reflected on his academic contributions and his personality and have also examined how sociology is transforming in the wake of globalization.
Taking into cognizance the thrust of this volume entitled Modernization, Globalization and Social Transformation almost all the contributors have focused their papers not only on the conceptual dimensions of the concerned phenomena and their interlinkages but have also discussed in detail the relationship of these phenomena with other contemporary social and sociological concerns such as marginalization, social movements, middle class, culture and consumer culture, technology, ethnicity, and even global society and risk society. Issues of modernity and postmodernity have also been analysed in a wider context.