This work is in two volumes. The value of which has for more than 20 years been wellknown and appreciated by all classes of Englishmen in India, as well as by Oriental Scholars in Europe, is now given to the public in a form slightly different from that in which it first appeared. An article on some tribe or caste was followed by one on a totally different topic, and as some of the articles, were extremely long, and there were no headings to the pages, such as are usually found in dictionaries, and no index, the task of finding any particular word was often a long and perplexing one. To remedy this defect in the form of the work, recourse has been had to the plan of dividing it into four parts, according to the subject treated off. The fourfold division had, in fact, been already hinted by the author in the Memorandum prefixed to the first edition. He modestly describes his book ?a few notices concerning the tribes, the customs, the fiscal and agricultural terms of this presidency. The book is proved to be handy for the users.
Memoirs On The History, Folk-Lore And Distribution Of The Races Of The North Western Provinces Of India
₹1,650.00 Original price was: ₹1,650.00.₹1,320.00Current price is: ₹1,320.00.
20 in stock
SKU: 9788121250009
Category: History
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