With contributions amongst others by Udai Pareek, Pradip N. Khandwalla, N. Vittal, J.P. Singh, Hans C. Blaise, Rakesh Hooja, Ramesh K. Arora, M.L. Mehta, G.P. Pilania, K.B.C. Saxena, B.R. Virmani, I.C. Srivastava, and N.K. Kulshrestha, this book looks at length at the three interrelated issues, namely, managing change in government, organisational behaviour, and human resource development in the Indian context.
Various aspects of themes related to creativity, managerial effectiveness, accountability and transparency, motivation, leadership, decision-making process, managing conflict, management in government, administrator as manager, managerial excellence, reengineering public administration, new public management, human resource development, job satisfaction and career commitment, training, and the interface between HRD and organisational development, have been examined from theoretical and conceptual viewpoints as well as the possibilities of practical applications by administrators and managers.
With 25 papers arranged into three sections on Managing Change in Government, Organisational Behaviour, and Human Resource Development, the book promises to be relevant for administrators, managers, social scientists, academics, students, scholars, and the intelligent laymen.