India after sixty years of independence has witnessed many achievements and simultaneously encountered many nagging problems. We can boast of our performance in some specific areas like self-sufficiency in foodgrains, structuring of strong industrial base, raising expectancy of life and higher percentage of literacy. On the negative side, we can count the perennial problems of unemployment, illiteracy and poverty accentuated by an ever-increasing population with inadequate infrastructure.
This volume is an attempt to identify, document and comprehend the broad trends in development emanating across the states. It is important to understand and analyze the process and direction of pace and pattern of the development, which would have a significant impact and could draw critical lessons for charting out the future course of action for effective people-centric development across the country.
Besides a crisp introduction by the editor, the book is thematically divided in four parts, viz., Review of India’s Development Policy and Strategy in the Preceding Decades; Policies, Strategies and Programmes for Basic Amenities; Decentralized Governance and Responsive Administration; and Development and Issues of Trade, Agriculture, Industry and Environment. The book promises to be a valuable reference for all concerned researchers, bureaucrats, policy makers, planners and those concerned with the development of India.