The analysis of social systems is important to understand how a society is ordered and how it changes. Societies and social systems cannot be understood simply as collectivities of people. They have to be examined in terms of relationships, boundaries and missions. Changes in society alter the systems’ conditions for survival. They must adjust or they will cease to exist.
Is Indian society moving towards anarchy and anomie? Inter-religious and inter-caste conflicts in our society have grown. The politics has been religionized and religion has been politicized. Secularism is on the run and communalism is triumphing. It appears today that the very basis of unity and integrity of the society has been threatened. But, in spite of these issues, our hopes of development and modernization are not belied. The traditional social systems are not in the process of disintegration. Finding it difficult to operate in old ways, they are adapting themselves to the changed environment.
The present book assesses the pattern of change and the nature of adjustment in sub-systems within Indian society. It also points out the emerging trends and identifies the unpredictable and inexplicable changes labelled as schismatic.