The concern about the environment and its protection is a major issue today the world over. An unprecedented rate of population growth, coupled with the overexploitation of the earth’s limited resources, is seen by many as a factor in the degradation of all the ecosystems. It could be seen globally that the soil erosion has accelerated, desertification is on increase and the massive deforestation has reduced the vegetation cover. The magnitude of degradation of environment and resources depletion has perturbed the people and the governments all over the world. The geographers have also shown their sensitivity towards environmental issues in both teaching and research.
World Commission on Environment and Development is also taking up the concerted efforts in promoting global cooperation for the protection of environment as a precondition towards sustainable development.
Recognizing the need for both short-term and long-term strategies for the monitoring and management of the environment and natural resources, the present volume brings together 24 papers divided into three sections, viz, Environment, Human Resources, and Land Resources, written by eminent geographers and environmentalists.
Students, research scholars, professionals and citizens concerned with the state of our global environment will find this book useful and interesting.