Late Professor L.P. Vidyarthi was a scholar of many faceted interests. He was constantly in search of newer fields to which anthropologists could contribute. At his initiative, the Centre for Advance Study in Anthropology, Ranchi University organised a Seminar on the theme National Integration and Tribal Development in 1985 under joint collaboration with the Institute of Bio-Social Research (IBRAD), Calcutta. Administrators and famous social scientists of the Eastern Zone actively participated in the Seminar by presenting their views. The seminar dealt with various aspects of tribal development like Tribal Education and Value System, Tribal Health and Medicine, Tribal Economy and Area Development.
The volume contains the research papers presented in the Seminar. Instead of going for suggestions directly, it incorporates the insight of various anthropologists to the problem mostly on empirical base. The book would be of much interest to students, teachers, researchers of Tribal Welfare, Anthropology, Sociology, Social Work and allied disciplines, Administrators, Planners, Politicians and Voluntary agencies engaged in tribal upliftment works and others alike.