Notwithstanding a glorious past, we have a history of neglected, deprived and exploited Dalits too. In the medieval period many social reformers came forward and launched many movements to bring about social justice in the society. National movement and struggle for independence also highlighted the miserable conditions of the Dalits. Even after independence, in order to promote socio-economic equality, liberty and social justice in the society, many a provision were introduced in the Constitution of India, and a lot of welfare schemes were initiated for the upliftment of unprivileged Dalits.
The implementation of New Economic Policy has created a new situation where Dalits are pushed again in a state of anxiety. Whether they will be benefited in this new system or not, is a significant question for their existence. The Indian society, even after six decades of independence, is still not free from the caste politics and other traditions which alienate Dalits from its mainstream.
It is against this backdrop that the present anthology is being brought out. It deals with social, political, economic and educational problems of Dalits and will help policy makers, scholars and students to cope with the issues related with Dalits.