King Janak prayed to Ashtavakra, a great sage of his time, to impart knowledge to him. The prayer was answered. All that King Janak asked, all the questions plaguing his mind, were given simple, clear, and compendious answers. This meaningful dialogue between sage and pupil is called the Ashtavakra Mahagita, a sacred text cherished by many and filled with boundless wisdom.
Other titles by M I Rajasve: Ashtavakra Mahagita, Dashrath Nandan-Dashanan Gatha, Chanakya Charitam Aur Akhand Rashtriya Ekta, Ashwatthama ki Amar Mani, Ashwatthama ka Abhishap.
The knowledge of the great sage Ashtavakra that will impart wisdom in readers of every age!
• Embark on a journey to discover the self!
• The dialogue between King Janak and the great sage, Ashtavakra that defined the ideas of identity, reality, and bondage.
• The text that has inspired people for generations.
• Non-dualist theory in its most radical form.
• One of M I Rajasve’s best works that celebrates the sacred text.